
the project

When we signed the lease for the West Beach Promenade you couldn’t even buy a cup of tea down there.

We set up our company called Rosnick Ltd and are trading as The West Beach Promenade. Sadly there are no facilities, poor signage and the area was generally very run down. Our short-term aim is to provide better facilities by way of different food outlets so people can have plenty of choice in what they want to eat or drink. New signage for better awareness of the surroundings.

We’re well aware of the need for toilets, we have looked into different options on these however, the cost is significant and will need to be paid for somehow. The medium to long term intention is to build a high-class restaurant and other facilities the public can take advantage of. This should greatly enhance the experience and attract many more visitors not just locally but also further afield.

We’d like the public to engage with us by helping to look after the area in any way such as litter picking or just general maintenance. We’ve set up a Facebook page called The West Beach Promenade which already has in excess of 2,700 members.